WOW! Crazy times!!
Here I sit, looking out my window at the two feet of snow on my front lawn. Still!! It’s kinda pretty though, with long shadows slowly creeping around the lawn as the sun moves, all topped with glistening snow. Gotta love blue sky days! Hope you’re able to get out in the sun today.
Anyway, back to school thoughts ... which are many and come all day (and night) long ... and the reason behind this blog. As we venture into a new look for school, I have been wondering about which platform to use. My old dance partner Mr Smith has both a website and blog for Athletics at SMS, and after a few zoom-like discussions, he was instrumental, and supportive, in getting me started. So far, so good. I think!
I had been looking forward to the final three weeks of Q3. We had just finished our Australian Art unit, which is marked and ready to display. Students did an awesome job! 🌟 Unfortunately, their 15sec of fame won’t be happening at SMS with school closures, so I am hoping to post all projects on here (once I figure out how to access all my art photos from the photo shoot yesterday). Our final project was to explore printmaking techniques. Fortunately, it can be saved for next year.
The Art8 students were almost finished their cardboard sculptures. Needless to say, a change of plans are needed.
Teachers and CEAs have started to pack up student belongings from lockers and desks . We will be sending home any and all sketchbooks from the art room. Maybe even the sculpture ziplocs if all clearly labelled.
On a more positive note, Mrs B (Brandsma) and I have been creating from home, and will unveil a series of art activities that can be done by students, ex-students and families alike. As my students know, MsP and computers do not always see eye to eye, so bare with me as I learn how to present our projects on-line (and figure out how to publish a blog properly the first time).
Stay safe! Stay home! And continue to wash your hands!
We are both thinking about you!
Missing the art room!
If you have any questions, or photos to share, please contact me at:
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